Crystal Vision
New Vision for your health

Crystal Vision Lubricant Eye Drops
Crystal Vision Lubricant Eye Drops is a soothing lubricant
and wetting solution for ocular administration, when
there is sensation of dryness, fatigue or discomfort of the
eyes due to environmental irritants or ocular surgery.
Crystal Vision Lubricant Eye Drops can be used in combination with all types of contact lenses.
Crystal Vision Lubricant Eye Drops is sterile, colorless or
pale yellow liquid, slightly hypotonic aqueous solution,
containing 0.3 % Hypromellose.
Crystal Vision contains a preservative system – sodium perborate and Diethylene
Triaminе Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) solution, low
concentrations as effective antibacterial agent. Upon
contact with the eye, hydrogen peroxide is degraded
into water and oxygen within one minute. It is manufactured
using aseptic technique.
It is a sterile product.
Crystal Vision Lubricant Eye Drops may be administered as frequently as needed during the day.
Wash your hands before use.
Tilt your head back and gently pull the lower eyelid away
from your eye. Place 1-2 drops of the solution in the
conjunctival sac of each eye and blink several times.
Avoid touching eye or surrounding structures with
dropper tip.